The Golfers (A dream I had last night)
Lynn, Lindsay and I went to play golf at Inverness (Toledo, not Scotland). Lindsay was, like she currently is, nine months pregnant. They had never golfed »
Lynn, Lindsay and I went to play golf at Inverness (Toledo, not Scotland). Lindsay was, like she currently is, nine months pregnant. They had never golfed »
Our two children were off to college and we were adjusting to the empty nest. It was a period of happiness and enjoyment of our time »
The warm nights of August spoke in throbbing tones of locusts and muted train whistles. On those nights, I would watch the night push the remaining »
The purest days of contentment were those spent in the bright warmth of the sun and contrasting cool bliss of the water. In this setting I »
I took them in my hands and added them to the pile in the napthalened atmosphere of patient tension and frenzied confusion that exemplifies the paradox »
(A dream) Every day, the ice cream truck would come down my street and I would meet it at the corner where it would park. There »