You’re my Lite-Brite on the shortest day Each plastic peg punching through the darkness Filling with color as the light finds a way Glowing amber, »
You’re my Lite-Brite on the shortest day Each plastic peg punching through the darkness Filling with color as the light finds a way Glowing amber, »
Severity bleeds into serenity As creativity is released from my own enmity My edges dull as life seeps back into my core I am me, for »
(The Doors of Perception and Deception) I sometimes walk through the doors to demons I stand firm and look them in the eye And taunt them »
I am a glowing red complement to my fuel A necessary gift to renewal Water, Earth, and Air are my siblings And yet their product is »
Peace pervades my essence as the cool night soothes my soul Life is good in a way that purely makes me whole The darkness above is »
Flames burn the excess As if we have left any excess to burn We waste and abuse and ignore and abhor We should not exist anymore »
A picture of a pear Draws me in and lays my soul to bare Of a shape and form that is fundamental A symbol of the »
Pounding membranes send pulses through my head A whispering voice mesmerizes as it speaks for the dead extremely loud noises are dissipated in the ether Something »
Born into the abyss That first breath you take is bliss As you start your journey Into a world of breathtaking beauty Life leads you to »
My inherent loneliness cannot be mine alone Others like me must experience this too I look for signs of it in their mood and their tone »