Swan Creek
We parked by the tracks and walked down to the tressel Wild asparagus spears the rocks along the ties We descend through thistle and nettles Alerting »
We parked by the tracks and walked down to the tressel Wild asparagus spears the rocks along the ties We descend through thistle and nettles Alerting »
Air so cool and crisp and clean Pines amassed to fill the view with green Sage scents the scene of the great outdoors An eagle pipes »
Today someone special is turning one, A milestone of a life that's just begun One, with all the wonders of life to encounter One, celebrated with »
Our two children were off to college and we were adjusting to the empty nest. It was a period of happiness and enjoyment of our time »
If you stop to acknowledge the profound situation that is your current life from the perspective of reincarnation, you can only realize that you might not »
My earliest memories are random and incomplete. We lived on Princeton Street in a brick and grey painted home next to the Walters family, adjacent to »
Home again, home again. There is no place like home. Homeā¦.homeward bound. Home is where the heart is. I have traveled throughout the world over »
I took today off of work and it feels free and exciting, like an unexpected snow day when you're a kid. Let's see what I do »
We moved from our house on Princeton Street to the house on Detroit Avenue when I was four years old. It just now dawned on me »