The Big Bang
The Big Bang flung you out in tiny little pieces A chaotic flux of matter mixed with energy releases Hurtling into time and space On a »
The Big Bang flung you out in tiny little pieces A chaotic flux of matter mixed with energy releases Hurtling into time and space On a »
My love for you is of such magnitude It is brighter than quasar plasma jets And ever more radiant than an ocean sunset Purer than water »
Blue Moments (Acrylic and Spray on 24 X 36" canvas) »
Where're you going? I'm not sure I know. Maybe nowhere But I'll be there soon, though I drift away To the end of the gaze My »
Air so cool and crisp and clean Pines amassed to fill the view with green Sage scents the scene of the great outdoors An eagle pipes »
Luminous Mars twinkles red to my eyes As squarking gulls crisscross the skies Moonlight radiance rests aglow As my happiness resumes it’s flow My melancholic »
I don’t know why I share my thoughts Other's interest fails to be caught None inspired, lives not wrought Further insight is never sought I »
Loosen your mind so you never lose it Consider the choice, you just might choose it Open it wide and face the truth An open mind »
Life erupts in violent shifts Lifted high from fissures and rifts It forms in ridges and spreads in range Sliding and cracking in resistance to change »
My birth marked the beginning of an era My era, recognized by few as such Is regarded neither as phoenix or chimera To most it means »