Speed of Sound

Living our lives at the speed of sound Plugging our ears won't slow it down A whisper travels as fast as a shout Shouting louder won't »

Rain Bands

Unanticipated raindrops tap at the glass As grey inserts itself into the distant gas Stripes of rain bands drop from the gloom Pouring freshness out of »

Grandma Betty

Particles of matter amidst earth and sand Bits of the universe sift through my hand The rich smell of loam adrift in the air Stirring the »


Dawn creased the sky through the crescent crescendo As photons pierced the clouds with innuendo Sol brings its light to yet another day Losing the struggle »

We Are Merely Ants

We are merely ants And yet I say, merely Despite the happenstance, Of sharing an equal chance. In a cosmic realm, we are kin Relatively relatives »

The Voyage

Free the moor of mere existence Evaporate the vapid fog of acceptance Dispel the erroneous Harbor the harmonious Emerge as the iconoclast Be true to yourself, »

Blue Skies

Pieces of air scatter the light Smattering what is left of the night Fading yesterday's woe and plight Blue is the new day starting out right »

Grey Matter

From within a grey matter haze The sky's thoughts untwist Into a myriad of birds in flight To clear its own malaise. Each unique in color »

My Own Mortality

My own mortality Speaks with duality From the any moment soon To the aging yet immune Ah, the age old conundrum Between durum and corundum Carpe »

Perhaps There is One

Perhaps there is one A truly happy one A nearly perfect one Perfect in their imperfection Bruised by living to the fullest Scarred by thinking in »