Special One

Today someone special is turning one, A milestone of a life that's just begun One, with all the wonders of life to encounter One, celebrated with »

Precious Cargo

A flotilla of clouds drift across the dawn On a peacekeeping mission launched by a yawn Laden with goods being brought into port My mind excited »


Our two children were off to college and we were adjusting to the empty nest. It was a period of happiness and enjoyment of our time »

The Streetlight

The warm nights of August spoke in throbbing tones of locusts and muted train whistles. On those nights, I would watch the night push the remaining »

Dress Blues

I took them in my hands and added them to the pile in the napthalened atmosphere of patient tension and frenzied confusion that exemplifies the paradox »


Sincerity Is a rarity Praise is the present that's given But a reciprocal gift is what's striven A token for them A gem to add to »