I find my way through mazes
You could say I’m amazing at mazes
Mazes with tricky turns and illusions
Ones that attempt to overwhelm you with confusion
Mazes with rules that I break
Like the ones lined with hedges where I just push through and cut across
Ancient ones with poison darts triggered by a foot on a stone
Darts that put you in a daze
I navigate these unfazed
I just stumble along and find my way
Sometimes I run with purpose
Sometimes I pretend to be lost just to prolong the challenge.
Sometimes I take all day
Dead-ends are good places to take a nap
When I wake I just yawn and move on
Its just another problem to solve
Another game in which I refuse to be the pawn
Mazes are a series of choices with a purpose
Simple and pure
A means to an end with degrees of difficulty
But finite nonetheless
I ponder the infinite and surreal
I study the impossible and bizarre
I am fascinated by the intangible
To me, the real and mundane is no big deal