
You’re my Lite-Brite on the shortest day
Each plastic peg punching through the darkness
Filling with color as the light finds a way
Glowing amber, rubies, and garnet

You’re the spinning Spiro-Graph spirals
The Tinker Toy towers that reach to the ceiling
Those skillfully wavering Etch-a-Sketch diagonals
When the winter days are dark and freezing

You’re my Captain Crunch in a world of corn flakes
My Fruit Cocktail with extra cherries and grapes
The KAPOW to the Joker’s black and white face
On those days when I feel tired of this place

Tromping inside from the cold—peeling off wet gloves caked with snow—kicking off boots and shedding your coat. You’re that warm dry feeling….. with cocoa and toast!

You’re like Sorry! or Battleship instead of Monopoly or Payday
Or waking up to snow on Monday waiting patiently next to the radio…
You’re not Maumee Country Day with a 2-hour delay
You’re Toledo Public Schools with a full snow day!


17 Feb 2021