My mind slows down to a mellow mood
As the light reaches my eye through a vacuum sky
The stillness speaks softly of my morning subdued
And cold freeze-framed memories return with a sigh

I bookmark the pages of time and space
Of smaller moments and clearer lines
Created and placed at a much slower pace
Not analyzed, regarded, or interpreted as signs

Simple and true and raw and new
Not pushed by a wave from before
Unblemished by any established point of view
It simply was, and not something more

At that time you’d have never dreamed
That such a dull and boring moment would even make it into the book
That these events would later be redeemed
That that moment would ever get a second look

Like this moment now, this moment here
A piece of your life that may not seem significant
Live it with pride and hold it dear
For later on in life it may be magnificent