From Quarks to Quasars

My love for you is of such magnitude

It is brighter than quasar plasma jets
And ever more radiant than an ocean sunset
Purer than water from a mountain stream
It reminds me I’m living a wonderful dream

It is leagues deeper than the Marianas Trench
Even the driest desert thirst this love will quench
It is tantamount to tardigrade resilience
And greatly exceeds a diamonds brilliance

It’s as endless as the value of pi
And as infinite as stars in the sky
The inverse of a quark diameter •
It flows like iambic pentameter

It burns hotter than the core of the sun
Like the Highlander, there can be only one
It remains strong when you are far from me
Even if I was in galaxy MACS0647-JD

• 1/0.43E-16cm = 2.33E+15cm (REALLY big)

MONDAY, AUGUST 27, 2018 AT 12:26