Air so cool and crisp and clean
Pines amassed to fill the view with green
Sage scents the scene of the great outdoors
An eagle pipes greetings as she silently soars
Grand Teton rules with a snow covered crest
As glaciers cling tightly to her breast
Teewinot peaks o’er clear mountain lakes
The Black Dike enhances Mount Moran’s face
Meandering down the Snake River flow
Watching trout glide over pebbles below
The silence is golden; the sight so serene
Pleasance and peace float in between
Buffalo roam, romp, and roll in the dust
Prong Horn sheep abound just for us
A glimpse of a moose and her calf through the trees
And a jam for a bear that nobody sees
Planetary bodies arc across the sky
While the Milky Way forms before our eyes
Satellites stream in front of the stars
As the night closes this day of ours
Aspen quake in the morning breeze
There! A pair of deer romp through to feed
To the top of the pine bald eagles alight
While we sip our coffee in the early bright
We stroll the streets around town square
Looking through shops perusing the wares
Saddles and silver at the Cowboy Bar
Down here a dollar doesn’t go very far
4-wheelin trip down the Snake River trails
Speeding through brush leaving dust on our tail
Twisting and tilting up steep grades and curves
Zipping around with vim, vigor, and verve
Awoke to the wind roughly riffling the leaves
Stepped outside to the crisp mountain breeze
Watched magpie sit chit-chattering chat
These wonders came to me where I sat
A perfect spot where the Salt River bends
Fly rod casts as the chilled water wends
Cattle ford next to us one by one
A picturesque scene under the Wyoming sun
Many trout that we chose not to catch
An enjoyable time leaving no need to quetch
white fish see the lure but fail to pursue it
“All these goods things merge into one, and a river runs through it”
Todd started out with a HeyZeus lager and lime
Becky and Todd both had Killer Bee Ale at the same time
I tried Melvin and Your IPA
Beer drinkin’ is a nice way to close out the day
*We all had peanuts
Put the kayak in at Sheep Gulch for a river ride
An osprey flew from tree to tree, acting as our guide
White water rapids added challenge to the fun
Paddled to the Alpine bridge to finish our run
Took a tour up and along the Palisades Reservoir
All the way up to the dam, which wasn’t very far
Trees for miles above and crystalline water below
Painted a memory of “My Own Private Idaho”