
Luminous Mars twinkles red to my eyes
As squarking gulls crisscross the skies
Moonlight radiance rests aglow
As my happiness resumes it’s flow

My melancholic day has slipped away
It crept on in and had its way
How or why I can never really say
It just shows up and paints things grey

If I had to describe it somehow, in some simple way
To coalesce to something I can convey
I’d say the mood sends me deep in thought
Of the feeling that my life is nought

I become overwhelmed with the idea that I am not beloved
That caring hands are deceitfully gloved
That endearment towards me is not quite pure
Am I truly loved? I’m not really sure.

Reason tells me that these feelings aren’t true
A cloudy facade that I need to see through
But the grey is opaque with sadness and strife
I’m convinced that the true facade is my life

But then the next day the cloud moves along
Showing me all of those feelings were wrong
My life has goodness and love all around
I see it again as if it’s newfound

So, I see those days as a necessary course
Not so much a drain, but a source
Not a shadow that shrouds life dismally
But a prism that reveals the joy more vividly

05:33 Friday, July 27, 2018