Loosen your mind so you never lose it
Consider the choice, you just might choose it
Open it wide and face the truth
An open mind is the fountain of youth
Remember the pain and anguish
Don’t let it fester and languish
Bring it to the forefront of your mind
Let the emotion unwind
Don’t be hindered by limits
Your dreams and fears are exhibits
Keep them fresh in your mind
The dreams will expand and the fear will subside
An unmined mind is a treasure unfound
To know yourself is to know no bound
Fear of the unknown is gradually dispelled
Knowledge is power and anxiety is quelled
Immerse yourself in the memory
Leave time and space for reverie
Follow a scent to a moment in time
Let a song take you to the sublime
See every color in the spectrum of life
Unseen beauty and wonder is rife
Pick up every rock, explore every nook
Life is there if you just choose to look
Push yourself to learn it all
Answer the questioning beck and call
Ask the hard questions of how and why
Your mind gets stronger when you try
MONDAY, JULY 23, 2018 AT 18:21