A hawk soars silently searching for prey
While a vespertine breeze brings the ocean our way
Viceroy abound in frivolous flight
As bees wind up business as the horizon brings night
Lemons dot the trees while blossoms bring new
Below a vast sky of blinding bluer than blue
A clean vapor mist softens the scene
As the sunset colors the view more serene
Violet envelops viridian hills
As the breeze dissipates and the air becomes still
The sun swathes lines of vermillion and wine
As it moves below view while extracting it’s shine
Darkness unfolds its blanketing hue
While twilight holds court in a brief dusky blue
A lone peacock calls this day to a close
As the scene settles into a pleasant repose
SATURDAY, MAY 12, 2018 AT 04:45