All My Life

You are the dawn of all my love
The peaceful coo of a morning dove
The burst of light into each new day
Every beautiful thing that I ever could say

You are marigolds on a warm summer morning
Chrysanthemum richness of autumn adorning
The whisper of snow as it falls in the night
The song of a mockingbird’s springtime delight

You are starlight as it reaches my eyes
Fresh rainbow mist as it washes the skies
Sunshine warmth that I feel on my face
How I feel home again when we embrace

You are the comfort of a book on a grey rainy day
The laughter of children as they run, jump, and play
The aroma of coffee as it drifts to our room
The orange blossoms scent as it heralds its bloom

You are all of these feelings rolled into one
You, My true love under the sun
Each day I awake I love you anew
All my life’s goodness is bundled in you

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31, 2018 AT 07:41