Title: The Third Insight
Media: Acrylic and Spray on paperboard
Size: 22" X 28"
The Third Insight: We now experience that we live not in a material universe, but in a universe of dynamic energy. The Third Insight informs us that everything in the universe is made up of energy and this creates all the forms and substances of what we call our reality. Because all energy is interconnected, it is tied to human consciousness through the action of intention. Our radiating thoughts and feelings cause our energy to flow out into the world and affect other energy systems.
The Third Insight encourages us to own the reality of this universal energy by observing it in nature and people. When we become aware of the unique & beautiful qualities of nature or a person, we have, in effect, raised our vibration on the continuum of consciousness. After putting ourselves into resonance with the beauty of an object or person, the next level of perception will be to see the energy in that which we find beautiful.
from the Celestine Prophecy