My Girl (Blue Ribbon)

I met my girl when she was just that, a girl. It was love at first sight at
an age when every young boy thinks so. In my case it was true and I
knew so.

My girl was my best friend at a time in life when your best friends
were supposed to be boys. I had many great friends; she was the
best though.

I had to leave my girl when I was at an age when it was okay to leave
a girl and set out in life. She was to be just a phase and I was to
move on in life, to find the right girl later, when I was at a more
appropriate age to do so. This was the way you were supposed to
live life. It was true. She was just a phase; the phase of my life that
will be the one between the day I met her and the day I died.
I knew the moment I had to leave her that we were meant to be
together. It was both a moment of my deepest regret and yet of
perfect clarity and certainty. I knew that we would be together

My girl missed me and remained devoted to me at a time when
others pressured her to move on. I was “gone and would not be
back”, they would say. Many stood poised for the fade of this
ephemeral pair.

The day I received news that I was to be a father is when I knew my
wish was fulfilled and our life together was inevitable.
We were married without fanfare or sanction. The standard support
of newlyweds was absent at a time when this support is more
necessary than ever. “You are ruining your lives.” was the buzz. Our
quiet and private ceremony together in the azalea gardens was
without consent by any other, only each other with the necessary
witness by another human being and a piece of paper as a record.
No need for holy blessing, as our unity was the most sanctified rite
that could ever occur. We were wed in a manner that preceded any
religion by millennia, with a cosmic welcoming of nature into her
beautiful chaotic perfection.

My girl became the mother of my children at an age when it was too
early to do so in today’s day and age. You were supposed to find
yourself first and wait for the most appropriate financial time. What
they didn’t understand was the fact that we had found ourselves in
finding each other. While others were continuing their search, we
were busy raising our children and living our lives that had already

My girl gave life to our children and cared for them without reading
books by experts and expensive and trendy child raising gear. She
just did it, as if she knew these things all her life. A more loving and
nurturing mother will not be found.

We lived our lives and raised our children as our marriage thrived
while other marriages sanctioned by God and Banks saw their
omega or filed for bankruptcy. They failed because no myth can
certify true love and no amount of money can buy contentment. Our
union was perfect in its simplicity; as natural as circadian rhythms and
the cycle of the lunar tides.

My girl is still my girl. Our children have grown now into the most
wonderful human beings. They were nurtured throughout their lives
and in the process gained confidence, wisdom, wit and compassion.
They will succeed in life because they were loved, nurtured,
challenged, and trusted throughout their childhood. They will
succeed as children of those who “found themselves” first are just
being born. They always came first.

They will succeed because my girl gave them each a blue ribbon.

Saturday, April 11, 2009 AT 06:01